

It was during the early 20th century, that an unprecedented innovation was
on the brink of discovery. All it would take to come to fruition, would be the
serendipitous encounter of these two great Parisian minds. The Chemist, a
young handsome researcher, went out for a walk at the very edge of the
noisy metropolis wearing his white lab coat. The 20th District was cobbled
together with land and villages that at the time were outside the city limits.
That part of town had always something mystical.
On that particular day the intensity of the fog was unnaturally entwined
with the strange light in the clouds. The Chemist had walked that path many
times on his way home from work, but only that day, in that odd misty light,
did he notice an opening, something akin to a passageway in between the
bushes. He decided to follow it.
With a quickened heartbeat, and an insatiable curiosity, he stepped through
the gap in the bushes. A secluded garden, something the likes of which
he had never seen, revealed itself at the end of the pathway. Exotic plants,
flowers of any and every color. A wave of aromas, blended in the air.
“This must be the secret 21st district”, he thought. Suddenly an old, stylish
and Extravagant man stepped out from a shed. He wore a green velvet suit
and thin glasses balanced on his nose as he carried a heavy jar. His look
brought back a different era. This man was The Botanist.



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